Acquiring a lead can come in many different forms and it is important to understand how to handle the type of lead that came in.
These specific type of leads are usually the best of the best. Coming from word of mouth & referrals. These type of leads often become your easiest customers but usually take the most amount of energy because it takes time and effort to build & create that trust within your customer base. But once you do, the selling process almost becomes obsolete. The trust has already been built so when handling this kind of lead it is up to your company to just offer great service.
Net type leads are what come through via digital marketing efforts. This can include content creation, social media, advertising, SEO, and more. Although you can get a huge amount of prospective leads, if done incorrectly the leads can be unqualified, and very dissapointing. It is important you know the type of customers you want. For example if you are a luxury hotel your target customer will be high status, wealthy people. So when you start marketing your business you need to reflect that high status image.
Spear type leads are coming in from your sales reps who are actively hunting for prospects. This would include cold calling, door knocking, and all the other painful ways you can think of in order to generate a sale. These are the hardest leads to close because the prospect is not even thinking about your product. So the sales process is vigourous. You not only need to convince your them that what you are offering is worth their time but you then have to completely get them in buying mode in order to convert them into a sale.